I love downtown!

I wish I had a picture for you.  Maybe I can take one tomorrow.

Anyway, I’m totally loving being back downtown.  Monday was spent in new employee orientation.  Today my big task was to find my way around without getting lost.  Not an easy task for someone who’s Directionally Disabled.  I wonder if my GPS works inside the building?

The last day of this view…


Monday I’ll be back downtown Minneapolis – YAY!

In an effort to distract myself…

I took this:




Originally uploaded by michelewithonel

I’m sick of it!

I’m also totally out of patience. I’m waiting to hear some news, which I can’t really talk about right now. But trust me when I say it would be GOOD news!

I’m also pretty sure if there is such a thing as Seasonal Affective Disorder, I have a raging case of it! It’s bad enough when it’s so damn cold, but when you add in the dreary, well, that doesn’t thrill me much.

So, enough about that. The picture was taken out the window behind my cube at work. I like the pattern the wind makes in the snow on the pond.

Make that six trips to Michael’s…

I had to run to Michael’s at lunch again.  I still couldn’t find the scalloped round gift tags that were used on the Martha Stewart show so I had to order some craft punches online.  I bet by the time they show up I will be so DONE with gift tags!

Here’s a little sample of my craftiness:




And I completely forgot to mention the THREE HOURS I spent Tuesday night making homemade caramels.  Holy crap are those ever a pain!  I have to say the effort was well worth it though.  They are YUMMY.   I halved the recipe (thank you Karen Svobodny and family) and it still made way too much.

Here’s the link to the gift tag episode:


I don’t think I like this one anymore


Originally uploaded by michelewithonel

One of the reasons I hate daylight savings time is because of the cats. Rocky decided 4:44 a.m. was a good time to get everyone up today. Since she got sick last year, she’s figured out that her “pain yowl” is the way to get our attention. And it works every time, dammit.

This morning I got up and saw that she had food, but her water bowl was nearly empty so I filled it up (with Culligan water no less). That didn’t do the trick and the yowling started again a little later so then Mike got up and gave her an ice cube (yep, you got it, she won’t drink her water unless it has ice cubes in it). And he filled her plate with food. What do you think she did? Ate two bites, drank a bit of water and the promptly went downstairs and went to sleep – for the rest of the day.

Like I said, I don’t think I like this one anymore.


I pulled up in front of Claudia’s house last night and could see that Clark Griswold has paid a visit.  The lights were beautiful.  This is what I first saw:


Then I walked to the front door of the house, and saw this:


I love ya, Claudia, but I’m not so sure about this one!

The first day of rambling

After a conversation at Claudia’s last night, I got to thinking about how I communicate with friends and family.  I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but it seems like most of my communication comes in the electronic form.  My other blog was started as a way to keep people informed about vacations, both past and present.  So, I decided I needed a place to blog about all the other stuff that happens.

And once I figured out that I could export all of my content from the other blog to this one, and vice versa, I decided to clean up both blogs.  So, all my rambling posts about things that weren’t vacation related have been moved here.   

I’m also planning to post more pictures and blog about those, but don’t hold your breath on that one!

St. Paul

St. Paul

Originally uploaded by michelewithonel

Okay, so traveling to St. Paul isn’t exactly a vacation. But, I took this with my Olympus camera while we were exploring with Ryan in St. Paul last night. It turned out pretty well, even if I do say so myself!

Happy Fourth of July!


Originally uploaded by michelewithonel

This is my attempt at being arty. These two shots were taken in New York City. One is the statue of George Washington, in front of Federal Hall. The other is the flag that’s hung in front of the New York Stock Exchange.

I put these together as a collage and thought they’d made a great symbol for Independence Day.

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